Maine 2016

Maine 2016

Monday, August 19, 2019

Down on the Farm March 28.19

A gorgeous day to go to the barn. Mud greeted me as I trudged my way over…. we will probably get some more rain…more thawing…then the gentle Spring winds and hopefully soon will dry up.  I was checking out the new calves; Three Black Angus mother’s and thankfully their healthy babies. Richard added  3 Holstein calves from the auction this week. What a joy to watch the mothers protect and feed them. And the new ones to learn to eat.
Richard’s love for cows began around 14 years old. His father offered him a 1929 Model A Roadster with a rumble seat that was part of a barn full of stuff he purchased. The man also had a calf and that was what R really wanted but his father would not let him have it and R would not take the vehicle. It would be a couple of years before he would buy himself a cow. Yes and here we are today! We raise our own organic beef. I have never had to buy any for 50+ years and would not know how to look for the best cuts.
 Last Fall when the leaves dropped  their old leaves  miraculously a new one sits right behind it waiting for the call of Spring. Each day we watch for new life to come forth in the trees…flowers…just one little morsel of life gives us such joy. The Robins are arriving along with the Blue birds, Sparrows, and Martins they will soon choose their housing to lay their eggs. Pretty soon we will hear the peepers in the cool of the evening. Exciting life down on the farm …it is every changing.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.  Eccl. 3:11 NLT

Note: I have not posted for awhile but decided I would start again.  

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