Maine 2016

Maine 2016

Friday, December 25, 2020

Down on the Farm 12.19.20

 DOWN ON THE FARM 12/19/20

A gorgeous sunny morning with a 4” cover of light snow yesterday with temperature in the teens. The warmth of wood feels so good. A Saturday morning and what does a ‘farm wife’ do. Throw a load of towels in and of course make the bed…clean the bathroom. A good day to make a Salmon Stew. Oh, how I dislike cutting up veggies but …potatoes and onions in the pot. I use mushroom soup with milk and butter…yum yum! A raisin custard pudding in the oven that most of the family loves. A new bread machine holding a cinnamon/raisin loaf. An finally a cranberry/pineapple mold.
9:00 am time for coffee and time-out. We put a new bathroom window in last week and it has been waiting for me to fill the holes and paint. Yesterday was the day and I will finish off the second coat today. I have always done all my painting/papering etc. and found great joy. We have an old farmhouse built in the 1800’s and nothing is straight, so my papering has always been a challenge. But I have always found great satisfaction in it. Of course, most of it needs a re-do but just too old to deal with it. But I found this window was so relaxing and had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing this type of work.
Christmas is a few days away and I still am working on some of the ‘gifts’. A procrastinator am I and realized the things I had not done before I had to take time to work out in my brain as to ‘how’. Well, it is crunch time so I must get it done! Christmas cards are taking a backseat this year. Sent a few but not like I usually do.
A challenging year as I enjoy doing all the craft stores and shopping even if I do not buy much. But this year it has not happened. But it is okay and I have great joy in Him, the reason for the season.
The scripture says, Mary pondered things in her heart. And as a woman, I ponder many things with Jesus and me. My heart is full knowing I know Him and He has ALL things in control and I can LEAN on Him. HE IS the answer to all things. ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’ Treasure the little things. He speaks in a still small voice. Listen for Him in the hustle and bustle of the season.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Down on the Farm March 28.19

A gorgeous day to go to the barn. Mud greeted me as I trudged my way over…. we will probably get some more rain…more thawing…then the gentle Spring winds and hopefully soon will dry up.  I was checking out the new calves; Three Black Angus mother’s and thankfully their healthy babies. Richard added  3 Holstein calves from the auction this week. What a joy to watch the mothers protect and feed them. And the new ones to learn to eat.
Richard’s love for cows began around 14 years old. His father offered him a 1929 Model A Roadster with a rumble seat that was part of a barn full of stuff he purchased. The man also had a calf and that was what R really wanted but his father would not let him have it and R would not take the vehicle. It would be a couple of years before he would buy himself a cow. Yes and here we are today! We raise our own organic beef. I have never had to buy any for 50+ years and would not know how to look for the best cuts.
 Last Fall when the leaves dropped  their old leaves  miraculously a new one sits right behind it waiting for the call of Spring. Each day we watch for new life to come forth in the trees…flowers…just one little morsel of life gives us such joy. The Robins are arriving along with the Blue birds, Sparrows, and Martins they will soon choose their housing to lay their eggs. Pretty soon we will hear the peepers in the cool of the evening. Exciting life down on the farm …it is every changing.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.  Eccl. 3:11 NLT

Note: I have not posted for awhile but decided I would start again.  

Monday, July 3, 2017


‘Stuck in the Muck’

          Have  you ever got bogged down in the muck and mire of the day.. You arise early in the morning with energy to ‘get those things done’ that have been facing you.  And with determination you decide to get  shower, …oops the telephone rings….nothing really important ….  but you reason with yourself…”I will make myself a cup of coffee …and just sit for a minute and listen to the morning news”….1/2 hour passes then an hour…..  Then you say to yourself ‘I need to do my devotions,  get some Word into me’…..I’ll just go get another cup of coffee and maybe a tad-bit to eat.  Guess I’ll throw a load of laundry in and at least get something started for the day.  Well, I will sort through these magazines.  Wow, this is a great article, so you sit down and read for a few minutes, reasoning with yourself you are getting something spiritual.  Wow, I know I need to get some things done but oh, I feel so tired, maybe just a little catnap and then I will get up and get started

I do not know who wrote this but it was on a floppy disk and it is so relevant to my lilfe at times that I thought it would be enjoyed. 

Each day is a new day and we awake with choices...."What will we do". I am sure like myself I have a plan but most of the time it changes especially if you walk with the Lord and He directs. My mornings have looked like the above writing and I laughed as I read it. Good intentions always, but sometimes they go " a muck". He always has a perfect plan but sometimes I find myself wasting a day and not really accomplishing a lot. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017


DOWN ON THE FARM - January 17, 1958 – January 17, 2017. Our 59th Anniversary
I sat down this morning and began to reminisce about our lives and the memories started flooding of our humble beginnings ….our love for God….provision over the years….a son with impetigo healed and another son with a broken leg that when Richard prayed ‘In the name of Jesus’ and to get up and walk and he was healed. In 1998 my cancer healed miraculously….the last meal I put on the table and God’s provision.
God took 2 shy people and opened powerful ministries for the Glory of God ….we traveled many miles and have also given many hours of ministry to our local church. We stand amazed! It has been our joy!
Well I could write a book….maybe someday! Richards saying over the years has been, ‘the family that prays together stays together.’ We made a vow to one another 59 years ago …a trust for one another and an unconditional love that nothing can break…We have know the mountains and the valleys but ‘Never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed out begging for bread.’ We have grown because of the hard places in life. An old song the Happy Goodman’s use to sing ‘I Wouldn’t Take Nothin’ For My Journey’.
Richard’s favorite scripture is, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever’. Mine has been, “In Him I live and move and have my being.’ So today we begin our journey to the 60th year. Our trust is in Him knowing He will never leave or forsake us. A blind trust that says our faith is in the One who leads us. We love Him more today than yesterday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

DOWN ON THE FARM - Dec. 12.16

DOWN ON THE FARM – December 12, 2016
Image may contain: sky, tree, snow, outdoor and nature
A snowy day outside!! A great day for a pot roast/veggies in the crock pot. We have been securing everything for the Winter Season. Buy and selling cattle…. 5 young to restock the herd. Our beautiful bull sold and off to Pa. A younger one will join them soon.
This season is always so busy. Christmas gifts purchased and wrapped today. Cards…Mailing packages…and cooking still to be done. of His birth….Tree up and decorated. Wreaths hung outside. Angels on my piano…. House village up….Manger scene...Garland down the stairway and Poinsettia’s every other step. Festive we are!!!. We are celebrating the Birth of a King. A simple truth ‘FROM THE MANGER TO THE CROSS’
A large cross in the field that is lit reminding others of this Christmas Season.

New storm door and side windows for the front door. And of course, all the little things that always need to be done when you own your home. It is never ending. But we are thankful for the blessings each day. Richard always busy in her new barn/shop. God took the ashes and turned it into something good. But of course he is still missing that special tool…still purchasing to replace things lost in the fire.

40 years of tree stumping still amazes us. God’s gift of witnessing wherever he goes . He could write a book of all those God has led him to…Camden, Rockland and all the areas in between. He has seen many accept Jesus and some who ponder what he says. ….truly amazing….a claimed Buddhist said they would try Jesus for 3 months. Jesus will never fail a heart open to Him. God takes your life’s work and uses you for His Kingdom.

We attended a dear friends funeral Tuesday and realize more than ever, “ONLY ONE LIFE, WILL SOON BE PAST, ONLY WHAT’S DONE FOR CHRIST WILL LAST” CT Studd. What will your legacy be when He calls you home HIS BLESSING THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My Thoughts

I awoke this morning with part of a song that says, 'all things work together for my good.' That is not always easy to receive when you are in pain and the days ahead do not look much different. But with eyes of faith we realize we are in a battle and it is a spiritual one against the powers of darkness and He has given us the power to take a hold of negative thoughts that would be in the forefront of our mind and cast them down in Jesus Name. 

Our biggest battle is our mind that allows negative thoughts to take root. In view of that what does the Bible say. We need to learn to stand on His Word. 'And by His stripes we are healed' Isaiah 53:5 

2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.