Maine 2016

Maine 2016

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Your Servant is Listening

In I Samuel 3 is the story of Samuel who hears a voice and thinks it is Eli calling him. But Eli tells him, " Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening,'" The story goes on and God speaks and it is not an easy word for him to receive. There is a whole message in this chapter that could be preached but I will leave it for you to read and ponder. I have been thinking of all the times God has spoken to me at the beginning of the New Year. I always ask what is He saying for this coming year for me. Following are the years I have recorded. They all have scripture with them but I will not add them as it will be too lengthy.
  • 1996 Feed on His Faithfulness - Love, Laugh, Trust and Pray
  • 1997 Ruach - Be A Mary soaking in His Presence
  • 1998 Release
  • 1999 Guard the foundation
  • 2000 Rest in the Lord
  • 2001 Restoration - Restore to me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me by your glorious Spirit. The Message: Bring me back from gray exile. Put a fresh wind in my sails!
  • 2002 Command ye Me
  • 2003 Trust in Me in 2003
  • 2004 Hear the sound
  • 2005 ??
  • 2006 Behold I will make you a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth. Thou shalt rejoice and glory in the Holy One of Israel.
  • 2007 Whatever He says, do it - Let it be according to your Word.
  • 2008 In Him I live and move and have my being.
  • 2009 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Listening for the Lord to speak each year has been very important and He has been faithful to me. I have journaled for years and looked back at the end of 2004 and beginning of 2005...a lot of things were happening that year and I evidently heard other voices....especially what was going on in the world and my personal life. The Tsunami hit on Dec 31, '04 and killed thousands and I was battling a very bad attack of asthma. I wonder how many times He tries to speak through the "stuff"and we do not realize it is Him.

I felt led to take this years scripture from the NIV translation. I normally use the New King James Version and most of my memorization is the King James Version. A new thing??? I wonder what it is!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Merry Christmas
Blessings this New Year
His Love
His Grace
His Joy
His Presence
His Peace
His Healing
in deeper dimension for 2009

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Poem - My Christmas List

My Christmas List is more
than just a way to keep track of
The special people God has brought
into my life to love.It's like a treasured scrapbook
filled with pleasant memories
Of all the times God's answered prayer
through friends and family.
Every name's a touchstone
that leads to a place and time.
Where God has used another's heart
to reach out and touch mine.
It may have happened years ago
or even yesterday,
But every person on my list
has changed my life some way.
Through simple conversation,
a warm hug or a shared meal,
Every person on my list
has helped me grow or heal,
Or laugh or love or learn or smile...
the blessings never end
As God allows our paths to cross
as family and friends.
So please know that this greeting
is more than a Christmas wish.
It's a "thank you" card to God
for putting on my list
Each and every one whose name
I've come to hold so dear...
Those who've shown me Christmas joy
each day of the year
written by Vickie J. Kuyper
I came across this poem and it says it so well. As I make out Christmas cards I like to write something that will touch the recipient. The memories come flooding back and what each one means to me and how they have written into my life something precious or sometimes things that were hard but made me to grow in Him. Blessings this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of a King.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tangible and intangible Gifts

A couple of weeks ago I had this thought: Christmas is a time we search for that perfect tangible gift for those we love. The true gift is intangible and cannot be touched or explained.
The three wise men brought tangible gifts but in their heart there was an intangible joy that caused them to fall down and worship.

Matthew 2:10-11.

"The wise men came into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary...

they fell down...they worshipped...they opened their treasures, they

presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh."

The following poem reflects what intangible gifts to others may be not only this season but every day as we display the love of Christ and the unspeakable gift He has given to us. It is called

'Christmas gift Suggestions'

To your enemy, forgiveness

To an opponent, tolerance.

To a friend, your heart.

To a customer, service

To all, charity.

To every child, a good example.

To yourself, respect.

written by O. Arnold

Wrap your tangible gift with the love of God and give to others that intangible gift that lasts forever. My prayer: Oh Lord may I ever be mindful of those who need your tender touch especially in this season of giving.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


'A Friend loves at all times....' Prov. 17:17a
A man who has friends must himself be friendly,..' Prov. 18:24a
Friends...when the holidays come I think of those who have been close to me though the mind goes especially to friends in Florida, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Michigan and those in my state. Each friend represents different levels of relationship to me. The bottom line is that we can be real with each other with no pretense and always feel safe and not defend oneself. We may not talk very often or email but when we do it is as if we were never apart and we pick up where we left off. We all live busy lives and although intentions are good we do not always keep in contact as often as we should but we never question why 'it has been so long'. Friends are true, consistent, trustworthy, reliable, honest and will always accept and allow you to be how God made you.

"What is a Real Friend?"
A friend is one who walks with you when
the rest of the world walks out.
A friend is one who overlooks your faults
and recognizes your good.
A friend treasures who you are.
A friend takes time to know you well.
A friend is someone you can share your heart with and
know it will not go any further.
A friend comes just on time with the right words
A friend is someone you can laugh with, cry with, and share your heart.
A friend accepts you on your good days and your bad.
A friend allows and understands when you are talkative or contemplative.
What a treasure I have in my friends who have supported, forgiven, believed in me, not judged me, loved unconditionally, given support, valued me, accepts me...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Love of God, Self and others.

The Song 'Oh Love of God'
“Oh love of God so rich and pure, so measureless and strong.
It shall forever more endure, the saints and angels song.”

Translation from 'The Message'
1 Corinthians 13
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

This is the plan of God that we, ' the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind and our neighbor as ourselves.' This challenge is a life long task. But one that has great rewards. The following is a quote from C.S. Lewis.

“There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable.

Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken.
If you make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully around hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket – safe, dark, motionless, airless – it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, and irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy or at least to the risk of tragedy is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell”
It is always interesting to see people who do not love themselves. Scripture is very plain that to love others you must love yourself first. To love yourself is to love the God inside of you and recognize the precious vessel He has made with His own hands. Our problem is many times we look at the -minus in our lives and not the +plus. What we reflect to others has to be real in our own lives. It is not just words but a heartfelt love, a pure love that can only come from God as we allow Him to work in our lives. GOD IS LOVE!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Riding the Wave

This weekend I was in Hull, Ma. Our hotel was overlooking the beach area. The weather was mild, windy and foggy. We watched as several made their way out with their boards to ride the waves.

In the scriptures the Holy Spirit is likened to rivers, wells, and springs. God has spoken prophetically to the New England area that the wind of the Holy Spirit would come like the waves of the ocean with a mighty move of God in these last days. Listed are some aspects to think about regarding it.

-Need to have perfect weather condition.
-A wave takes one where it may be unfamiliar.
-A path you would not choose
-It never looks the same…always changing.
-You have to stay with the board or you will crash.
-Your eyes need to be on the goal.
-Takes determination, steadiness, perseverance, balance and patience to ride.
-Complete trust in the board.
Need to dress properly.
No baggage.
-Alone – you and the board
-Destination is set
-Need to be positioned perfectly.
-Wave dislodges pebbles and sand or anything in its way and cause friction.
-Change will take place on land.
-It causes an excitement in the rider.

We are living in perilous times with many unknowns. But this one thing I know there needs to be a mighty move of His Spirit that calls men out of darkness. Jesus is not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance. It is simply asking Him to forgive us and allow Him into our heart and we will then have the assurance of heaven.

Psalm 23:2b ‘He leads me bedside the still waters.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Spiritual Warfare

This is a passionate subject for me 'Spiritual Warfare'. In a time when our nation is in trouble, people are worried, full of fear and not knowing where to turn. People who say they are born again, many are bound by medical drugs, alcohol, their homes are in turmoil, sickness. We as 'the church' have been given authority over the evil one. We can stand in the gap and intercede for them.

During the Vietnam war a story is told about the Buddhist monks who fasted and prayed and put curses on men during the war. That the soldiers would be wanderers, angry and have no peace. I have seen that in my own family. But prayer can break the back of the enemy and loose these men and women by the power of the blood and in Jesus name.

In Matthew 11:12 ..."from the day of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." The NIV translation says, "forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it"
An example: If someone comes to my door who is a stranger and tries to break in I will not just say, 'Please leave'. But I will forcefully in the Name of Jesus rebuke him and tell him to get out. I lay hold on the promises of God that I have that privilege will forcefully and with authority take charge.

Matthew 16:18-19 "...I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven".

My church are believer's in Jesus Christ.

  • Prevail - overpower, to have or exercise force over.

  • Keys - allow entrance. It is knowledge revealed by God and His written Word.

  • Bind - to tie, literally limiting it.
  • Loose - break up, destroy, dissolve, melt, put off.

Binding and loosening in heaven or earth is dependent upon what heaven has already willed, rather than earth giving direction to heaven. Knowing the Word is the key.

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God that you may stand against the wiles of the devil. That means ability to stand against his schemes and methods."

Some years ago I was privileged to sit under the ministry of Mary Glazier . She taught on the different levels of intercession. Sometimes we wonder why people do not pray the way we do. This answered the question for me. She taught on three levels of praying. She had scripture to back it up but because of length I will not list.

  1. Ground level - supplication, conversational, bedtime prayer
  2. Intermediate - Praying for known targets. Families, Nations, sickness etc.
  3. Strategic level -This is when you go incognito to a city/town and ask God to show you the strongholds. You have no plan, but God will reveals the target. He may use different weapons; clapping, singing, placing something into a waterway. You go usually with two or three others and complete your assignment and no one knows but you have obeyed God. I have done this several times all over Maine and some of the New England states.
    'All men ought always to pray' and 'pray without ceasing' , is for all of us, but it does not say the level of praying. God does give different assignments to His people. Strategic praying is a special call from God. It is to be taken very serious. Buddhist's who do not know Jesus as personal Savior pray and believe they have power. HOW MUCH MORE WILL GOD DO FOR US, HIS CHILDREN Who walk in the power of the Blood and the Name of Jesus Christ.
    A minister asked his congregation, "Do you believe that God answers prayer?" and they responded ,"yes." Then he said, "Pray." So let us pray on whatever level God has called you to.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Touch Someone leave a Trace

“When touching someone you leave a trace of yourself.” These words got me to thinking about how important is a touch in a person’s life. I thought about newborn babies left to themselves never bonding, never feeling another’s personal touch. This has been seen over and over in 3rd world country orphanages with so many babies and few workers to care for them. This is true in our own country as well, little ones left to themselves.

I remember visiting a man in a local nursing home. I would go every week and we would write a letter to his daughter (he had five) who never came. I remember how bitter he was at first and how he started to soften and a smile would cross his face in our conversations. I told him about Jesus and he said God did not care about him that he had been too bad. I took in a sign that said ‘God does not make junk’ and posted it on his wall. He died after a few years but I know the touch of my caring ministered to him. God’s fragrance in me made a difference in his life.

When I was going through a very difficult time in my early 30’s, feeling like no one cared, feeling all alone in my struggle. I remember standing in the aisle at our church at the end of a service and a woman who was not given to hugs came up and gave me the longest hug and said ‘God loves you’. I have never forgotten it because I knew that God had hugged me. The obedience of a woman with the fragrance of Christ made a difference.

The Bible, The Message translation, says it this way, ‘Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God,’…

Depending on the strength of the fragrance will depend on how much remains. In the days when smoking was allowed in a restaurant, if you were not a smoker, remember how it permeated your hair, clothes etc. and the only way to get rid of it was take a shower. Another example, my husband is a part-time farmer and our cows are outside so he seldom has to deal with the smell. In visiting another farm with animals inside when he comes home and into the kitchen that fragrance will be there. He will take on that smell whether he has barn clothes or a nice outfit. The source of a fragrance has results no matter if it is good or bad.

Jesus was fragrance to the blind man, to the woman with the issue of blood, to the disciples and most importantly to us. We have His fragrance as we take on His nature. Will you touch someone today and leave His fragrance with them.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does God Still Heal?

Healing is like an octagon it has many sides to it. Our reference comes from our experience in life. A gal makes a statement ‘God took my daughter’ that got me to thinking about the subject. And recent experiences.
-A young 4 year old fighting cancer.
-My niece in her early 40’s who fought cancer for over 7 years and it finally took her life.
-A minister’s wife with Alzheimer’s for over 10 years who lost her life at 61.
-A man whose heart has been so bad now awaits a heart transplant.
-A woman because of disease in her body had to have a kidney transplant.

On and on you could make a list also of those in need of the healing touch of God.
Names synonymous with healing in my time are Katherine Kuhlman and Oral Roberts, Charles and Francis Hunter, and you could name others. I have personally been in Kuhlman and Hunter services and witnessed the healings. Today healing is sporadic in America compared to other nations. They simply believe the Word and God answers. We have to persevere and battle the gates of hell for an answer.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998. I always knew that I would not go the conventional way. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I had faith to believe His Word and simply stood on it. At the time I was in a church that preached healing and was surrounded with powerful prayer support. On my part I changed my diet, at the time I was selling Herb’s and knew the importance of support to the body and I PRAYED!! To God by the Glory I was healed. Why me? I do not know except God spoke to trust Him and He would heal.

I came from a fundamental church background and never saw healing in the Word and when I came into the understanding of it I took a hold and walked in it when my children were young. We, as a family simply, prayed and God healed.

In the covenant is the promise to forgive and heal. He initiated covenant and it is God’s gift to man.
Yahweh(Jehovah) –Rapha – The Lord who heals
Yahweh(Jehovah) -Ropheka – For I am the Lord who heals you.

Eph. 2:13 …Once strangers(Gentiles) from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

The church does not talk about the blood of Christ much anymore. It was His shed blood that avails his forgiveness and healing to us.

God does all things well. He is light and there is no darkness in Him. There are many reasons if you study His Word why people are not healed.
-Or simply because God is allowing us to walk that path. That is where trust comes in. He says He will not give us more than we can bear. We believe and persevere until……

I have watched loved ones families walk the path believing for healing and some have found a ‘pathway to healing’ while others lost their battle in this life only to win it on the other side in heaven. The grace to face this challenge is a powerful witness to the keeping power of God and not walking in anger and unforgiveness toward God.

He says, He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses…and, if we ask anything according to His will. He hears us. He tells us to go preach and signs will follow and we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.

And what happens when they do not receive healing? We need to stand still believing, trusting the God we serve …knowing He causes all things to work together for good to them who love God. We pray and believe until……….remembering it is 'the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy' NOT God…he allows.

This is a big subject and one that takes writing a book to do it justice. But these are some thoughts to provoke us to think. A question to myself, 'Do I believe and walk in healing'?

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Jen, a friend suggested a book, “Strengthen yourself in the Lord by Bill Johnson. In the opening endorsements a statement was made by Dr. Mahesh Chavda about the book, “I have discovered that people, whatever their background, have two primary questions: “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” Before reading what Bill Johnson has to say my mind is challenged and starts to work. We always relate to where we have come from, where we are and where we believe we are headed.
Who am I? What has been my identity over the years?
When I was young I was the daughter of…………
When I got married I was the wife of…..
When I was the church pianist at....
When I was on a pastoral team….
When I served as President of an international women’s organization…
When I was their state Intercessor.

When a person would ask, “Do you know Margaret”? Their answer usually would be, ‘Oh yes, she is……’

I have found in my life that when I was at the end of a season of ministry there was an empty feeling, a feeling of ‘who am I really’…’Where do I fit?' You say that should not happen but what you do not acknowledge you can do nothing about. So many times we get lost and have our identity in where we are serving. Ministry to me is an outflow of who I am and I had always found such joy in serving in those capacities. A long season was about to take place for ministry and I had to realize that ‘who I was’ was not in past ministry but it was my character, the person who resides inside. The person I am in the dark when no one sees me. I did not lose ‘who I really was’. No one can destroy your character except for yourself.

What is my purpose?

I have had wonderful years of ministry traveling ….singing….teaching etc. and then a season came into my life and I wondered ‘What is my Purpose” And I have struggled with the ‘call’ on my life that still burns inside and had to acknowledge the platform is gone. I have questioned ‘What is my Purpose’, is God done with me? ‘Will He throw away all that I have gleaned from study and lessons learned in life? These are heart felt questions that I often seek an answer to. At times God will give a piece of the puzzle and this morning I heard John Maxwell preach, he said, ‘The Secret of your success is dependent on your daily agenda’. One of the examples he gave, in short form, we make a New Year’s resolution and we keep it for a couple of weeks and then we drop off. But the success of that decision is daily maintaining it.

My favorite verse for over 40 years is, ‘In Him I live and move and have my being’. if I am in Him , loving, fellowshipping with Him, basking in His presence and doing what He asks me to do I have to believe that I am exactly where He wants me. Knowing that my daily success is dependent on His agenda in my life and obedience to ‘thus says the Lord’
My answer to 'Who am I'? is not what I do but the character that I have.
'What is my purpose'? It is fellowship with Him, Obedience to His Word and telling others about Jesus on whatever platform He has for my life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One thing I desire...

David's words in Psalm 27:4

One thing I have desired of the Lord,

That will I seek:

That I may dwell in the house of the LORD

All the days of my life.

To behold the beauty of the LORD,

And to inquire(meditate) in His temple.

He says, 'One thing I have desired of the Lord'. And then he goes on to list three things, Seek, dwell, and behold, Young's literal translation says, 'I asked of Jehovah'; the Message says, 'I'm asking God for one thing'; the World English Bible says 'I have asked of Yahweh'. When he says I am desiring of the Lord it means he is inquiring, requesting, consulting, begging and wishing for those 3 things. He says I am going to SEEK which means, I will search out (by any method, specifically in worship or prayer); it implies to strive after, ask or beg.

Can you hear the deep longing within him. To sit in His presence in worship and prayer.

His desire is to DWELL in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. It means to remain, seat yourself or tarry. Which speaks to me that it takes time. A place that is set aside where Jehovah God will meet him.

What is his purpose? He says to BEHOLD the beauty of the Lord. David is saying I am going to contemplate, (with shades of meaning including to study, consider, speculate, muse, think over or mull over) His glorious majesty, His wisdom, His Holiness, His Justice, His mercy and truth.

This psalmist of Israel sets his heart to SEEK, DWELL AND BEHOLD the Lord. And again he uses the word SEEK which means to plough, break forth, search. An Invitation is there for us to :

  • Come before His presence with singing..
  • Enter into His gates with thanksgiving ..
  • And into His courts with Praise.
  • Deep calls unto deep....
  • You will be hidden and placed high on a rock...a place that is inaccessible to the enemy.

Vs 5. For in the time of trouble

He shall hide me in His pavilion;

In the secret place of His tabernacle

He shall hide me;

He shall me me high upon a rock.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Caleb's Story

I am sharing the story of my dear friend Betty's grandson who has been diagnosed with cancer. He is the son of Pastor’s Jeff and Julie(her daughter), Sister Maggie, and Brothers, Zachary and Spencer. They live in Maryland. A healthy 4 year old running and playing and having fun and the next day diagnosed with a life threatening disease called cancer. I will only hit the highlights of the story. My purpose is that you would pray for healing.

Caleb’s story begins in Dec. 2007 when blood was found in his urine, His pediatrician did a urinalysis and blood work and nothing showed up and was dismissed as a virus. On May 15, 2008 His mom Julie, took Caleb in for what was a routine check for STREP. A CNP examined him thoroughly and felt a mass and he was sent for tests and a malignant tumor was found in his kidney. He faced stage 3 cancer which had spread also to the tissue and blood vessels. He had the surgery to remove the kidney and would continue with radiation and 27 weeks of chemo.

In the midst of this his mom tells a story. His dad, Jeff, tells Caleb every night before bed that they are best buddies forever. Lying in bed with his dad one night, Caleb said, “Daddy, when we get to heaven will we still be best buddies?” “Of course”, Jeff assured him that they would. Then another night Caleb was rubbing his dad’s head and he said, “Don’t worry daddy, when I’m done chemo our hair will grow back. How precious this little one. It makes you wonder what goes through a child’s thoughts.

Caleb had follow up tests this past week and he is tumor free but he still faces the last part of his chemo treatment every 3 weeks.

His mom’s words:
"My son has cancer and I never would have dreamed we would be living this out. Nobody does, I guess. The word HOPE has a new and deeper meaning for parents of children with cancer. I look at Caleb through different eyes now. I spend more time just watching him play or even sleep. Not because I have a sense of doom about him but because I am so much more aware of what I would lose if he were not with us.And so now we go for chemo every three weeks in D.C. "

Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisment for our peace was up Him.
And by His stripes we are healed.
Stand with this family as they fight this battle with their son over cancer.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

His Peace

We camped this week in Skowhegan and this was the scene a stone's throw from our camping spot. So quiet and serene. When your eyes behold the splendour of His beauty. It will have an effect on you and quiet you within just to realize He speaks to nature and it is done! A friend loves at all times. When I think of friendship it is #1 True #2 Consistent #3 Trustworthy #4 Reliable #5 Loves without reservation. You could probably add some other adjectives. We have so many people that are truly our friends all over the country. Two came to visit at camp. Arnold and Ann with his new toy since retiring. Ann heads the Maine chapter of Newborns in Need, a National organization to help needy moms. Precious friends we have known for a long time and who love Jesus. Below is Max, our boston terrier who accompanied us on the trip. He was not happy at this point. He is never leashed. He is great to take along as he does not bark and minds very well. Hubby could not go without him even though I offered to pay for the kennel. (smile)
It was a relaxing time for us. God gives his children rest and refreshing in the midst of life. I tell young couples they need to take time to spend with each other as there will come a time when it is just the two of them. The children will be gone and they need to 'know' each other. If not, there is danger in going their own separate ways and travelling their own individual paths involved in their interests alone. Life goes fast and the seed sown in younger years will grow. Question to ask oneself. Have I taken time for my partner? Or is life slipping away and I am on such a fast slide that I cannot slow down or get off. Something to think about.
There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God.
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High,
God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;..Psalm 46:4-5a

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

God is Faithful

I read on Sunday, Psm 37:3b 'Feed on His faithfulness'. The bible says to meditate on the Word of God. It is like the cow that chews her cud. Chewing the Word over and over again...then thinking about what it means to feed. A few ideas are -
1. We must avail yourself to where the food is.
2. We must choose to partake.
3. It becomes a part of us and needs to be digested.
4. It will change us within.
So I need to avail myself, I need to choose to partake and allow His faithfulness to be a part of me so I can digest and let it change me.
I began to 'Feed on His faithfulness' to me over the years. Thinking about salvation at age 9, faithfulness of His provision, faithfulness to deliver, faithfulness to protect me, faithfulness to lead me each step, faithfulness as Jehovah Ropheka my healer, faithfulness as a friend, faithfulness as Father, faithfulness as a counselor and on and on. Feeding on His faithfulness tends to get me excited just to think He cares and is concerned for every detail of my life.

I received an email from a former neighbor, Nancy, who lives in North Carolina. She lost her husband in August, 2003. She said the song 'Great is thy Faithfulness' has ministered to her since his death.

Great is thy Faithfulness, Great is thy Faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed thy hand hath provided.
Great is thy faithfulness. Lord unto me.
David stated in Psalm 89:1...With my mouth I will make known your faithfulness.
Lam. 3:22-22-23 'Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassion fails not. They are new every morning; Great is thy Faithfulness.'
There are times we think about the negative things that are happening around us and not the Faithfulness of God and all the wonderful things that are ours. FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS TO YOU this day!

Monday, September 1, 2008

God Cares – God Leads – God Sees

Kennebec River in Maine

My hubby and I went for a ride…it was a beautiful sunny day and we had no particular direction but ended up at the boat wharf along the Kennebec River in Richmond. I snapped a picture (notice the big boat to the right) and continued to look up and down the river at the activity. We watched as this big boat made its way in to tie up at the wharf. A young woman was running with rope in tow and she asked about tying it up at the end but the man stated, to go to the end and that was where we were standing. A small child around 2 was trying to put her foot over the boat and onto the wharf and no one was paying attention. I hollered, ‘she is going to fall’ and that brought everyone to attention. She would have fallen between the boat and wharf into a very swift current that goes into the ocean eventually. And it would have been a very serious tragedy. BUT GOD!!

We wonder if God leads... God cares …God sees.... I believe in destiny and that God was watching over that little one and her family yesterday. It was a last minute decision to go for a ride. We had never been to that wharf. We do not usually get out of the car but just sit and look at a river. But this day, I decided to get a picture. This was God’s divine appointment for a little child and saving that family from loss.

God Cares:I Peter 5: 7 Cast all your care on Him because He cares for you.
He Leads: Psalm 23:3a He leads me beside quiet (still) waters.
He Sees: ! Peter 3:12a The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous

Will you be a tool of divine appointment for someone's today or will someone be put in your path to help you? We say, 'Yes Lord your will be done in our lives'.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

God's Attention

I am reminded of a story that is 80+ years old. It is a dream a christian had about 3 women who were knelt in prayer. The Lord treated each one in a different way.

Have you ever wondered why God is not speaking to you in a way you expect Him to. You long to hear Him say 'well done, good and faithful servant', and the heavens seem brass. His silence makes you feel like He does not care or He disapproves of you in some way.

The story, in my words, about three women who were kneeling in prayer.
"He answered her not a word." Matt. 15:23
"He will quiet you with His love" Zeph 3:17
He came to the first woman and He bent over in gentleness and love and spoke to her some wonderful sweet words.
He moved on to the second woman and placed his hand on her head and she knew He approved of her.
The third women He just passed on by and did not stop and said not a word.
The woman in her dream felt He must have loved the first lady and the second
greatly, but the third lady must have displeased Him so much He did not even look at her. And she questions the whole scenario and ponders it. Then the answer comes in the following way.
The first woman He bends over and speaks to her in tenderness and kindness as she needed that special touch and love that conveyed to her His tenderness. She needs to feel the touch
of the Master's hand often.
The second woman He touches on the head, she has a stronger faith
and she can be trusted to allow Him reign in her walk of life. She knows He approves of her.
The third woman who seemed to be ignored had a faith and love of the finest quality. She knows Him intimately and trusts Him. She knows He is working in her life that she may serve others and the process by which she walks is in complete trust in the God she serves. She may not understand all things now but needs no explanation and she has the confidence that it is for preparation for service and eternity.
The question today is which woman are you? The one who needs constant watching and assurance each moment of the day,... or the second one who needs to feel His touch and that He is there... or the third woman who completely trusts in her Savior that His all seeing eye is watching over her and ultimately He will work all things for her good because she trusts and loves Him. The assurance that He does all things for her benefit and for His glory.
I think our answer would be that at times we have been each woman at different seasons of our lives and He knows and understands where we are and He is pleased with us because we have answered the call to serve Him. Knowing He loves us and knows our need, it gives us assurance that He does all things well and His attention to us is stated in one of my favorite passages -
Psalm 139: 17-18
'How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more
in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with you.'

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Purpose for this blog

I have always wanted to start an 'inspirational' blog where I can share thoughts, poems and minister to others. So tonight I decided it was time and will see where it goes. I am a quilter and already have a blog to post my quilting activities trips and other everyday mundane things which brings joy to my heart.

Every other week we have 10-12 senior citizens for what we call 'home fellowship' from our church. They always bring lots of goodies. Last night it was apple pie, egg sandwiches, brownies, apple crisp with whipped cream, donuts and a little chocolate goodies and I make coffee and tea. So you see we do not lack from hunger. We share experiences, the Word of God and last night we asked each one to share their favorite song or chorus. One man said it well this past week as I worked at the church office. 'You feel so much peace and go away feeling peaceful'. That is what it is all about. Ministering the love of God to the body of Christ.

Last night we shared 11 Samuel 22. David was praising God for deliverance from his enemy Saul. who had pursued him and wanted to kill him.In our lives we have enemies of fear, doubt, distrust and so many things. But David knew the character of God. He states
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
The God of my strength in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation,
My stronghold and my refuge;
My Savior, You save me from violence.
I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praise;
So shall I be saved from my enemies.
......In my distress I called upon the Lord.
And cried out to my God.
He heard my voice from His temple.
And my cry entered His ears.
...But the Lord was my support.
He also bought me out into a broad place;
He delivered me because He delighted in me.
David knew his God and had relationship with Him. David was called the sweet singer of Israel and he was a musician. The song of the Lord was in his heart. Have you every awoke in the morning and found yourself singing a tune and all day it would not leave you. That is the Holy Spirit who resides in those who know the Lord ministering to a place of need within them. As we, the Home fellowship group shared the song that was on our hearts it was amazing what God was saying to His children. He does speak but do we listen? Or do we recognize that He is speaking? In John it says, 'My sheep know My voice'. Again in 11 Sam. 22, David writes so many powerful truths in this chapter. He says, 'He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on my high places... He has armed me with strength for the battle'. I am so thankful He fights for us and the battle is not ours but His. And He speaks to the storm as He did when He and the deciples were in the boat and said, 'Peace be Still'. He delivers because He delights in His children.
I pray that for anyone who might read this. If you find yourself in the midst of a situation that is too hard for you I pray in Jesus Name that He will fight for you and bring you out and give you peace in Jesus Name.