Maine 2016

Maine 2016

Friday, January 16, 2009


Reckon it nothing but joy…whenever you find yourself hedged in by the various trials…James 1:2 Weymouth

Job 3:23 Job speaks of being hedged in by God.
Hedge means restriction or hindrance to our movement.
It is important how we view it.

Do we feel confined by God?
Do we feel disciplined?
De we view it as a protection from something or constraint/confinement
Do we try to break out of it?
Do we resist?
Do we complain or grumble?

Our view can determine our outcome.
There is value in a hedge

Satan recognized the hedge God had placed around Job.
Job 1:10 ‘..have you not made a hedge around him….’ Satan could only touch what God allowed him to.

We live on a farm and I received a call last week that a calf was loose about a mile from here. The owner had released the calf to the authorities and they asked us if we wanted it and to come get it. After a space of time my grandson came in house huffing and puffing. He was excited that he and his dad had just led him down the road and placed him in our cattle body. They fed him hay, grain, water and made him comfortable.

He was now safe, confined to a specific place where he was being taken care of and would find nourishment and no harm could come to him. He may not realize it is the best place for him at the moment. He was now protected from predators, dangers, and even from himself.

Do you ever feel hedged in by God? In a confined area not to your liking. Do you kick, holler and complain? It has been my experience I have no control over the times God hedges me in and when I am done complaining, questioning etc and come to peace within myself then God can work to let me out. The new owner knew what it would take to help him regain his loss and make him healthy to join with the other animals. Six days later he was placed with the other cows.

Are you confined and hedged in by God in circumstances that you cannot change. Trust the one you belong to He will bring release and bring you into a large place you know not of. That calf did not know what awaited him as he had never been here before. Little did he realize he would join a herd of cattle in the days ahead in an abundant large pasture.

Job 23:10 nkjv
10 But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.

14 For He performs (completes KJV) what is appointed for me. And many such things are with Him.

Allow the hedge to do its work!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


'Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight.
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. '
Psalm 19:14
These are words I memorized as a child and pray often. In cleaning out for the New Year I came across a poem about Words published in Evangel January 1986.
as a weapon
can be used to destroy
enhance a life.
can cast ugly,
dark shadows
illuminate the blackest night of life.
can be soothing ointment
salt in an open wound.
can make heavy the heart
lighten the heaviest burden.
can kill hope
a flickering flame of faith in a heart.
-Lillian M. Chism
The bible says, 'There is life and death in the power of the tongue'. Words that we speak can give life or death. And it is my prayer always that what I say and what I think would be those of Jesus. Oh Lord let me think before I speak and the things I think about be acceptable to you. And that I always bring life to others as well as myself. Amen.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Caleb - exciting bath after cancer!!!

I wanted to post an update to the story below about Caleb-4 years old who has walked through cancer and came out victorious....Rejoicing in a bath and hair....

Caleb enjoyed his first real bath since May! He was so excited to be able to lay down in the water and not have to worry about getting his line wet. This was a bath like no other! Lots of water (neck deep), plenty of bubbles and an army of dinosaurs! He was in there for a LONG time and he kept shouting, "Look Mom! No PICC line.....I'm free!
We also found him in the bathroom standing in front of a mirror carefully combing his hair. He doesn't say much about it but he is loving his hair growing back in.
Julie, his mom

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Caleb - 4 His Victory over Cancer

This is Caleb and his beloved puppy. They are sleeping in the dog bed. Pretty soon he will have to have a haircut. I am sure he will love that.

Oh doesn't he like to cuddle in a toasty blanket.
Following is the journey of Caleb - 4 and his family for a year. I posted a prayer request a few months ago. At the end of the words in red is a story of VICTORY!!! Praise God.
1st Posting
I am sharing the story of my dear friend Betty's grandson who has been diagnosed with cancer. He is the son of Pastor’s Jeff and Julie(her daughter), Sister Maggie, and Brothers, Zachary and Spencer. They live in Maryland. A healthy 4 year old running and playing and having fun and the next day diagnosed with a life threatening disease called cancer. I will only hit the highlights of the story. My purpose is that you would pray for healing.Caleb’s story begins in Dec. 2007 when blood was found in his urine, His pediatrician did a urinalysis and blood work and nothing showed up and was dismissed as a virus. On May 15, 2008 His mom Julie, took Caleb in for what was a routine check for STREP. A CNP examined him thoroughly and felt a mass and he was sent for tests and a malignant tumor was found in his kidney. He faced stage 3 cancer which had spread also to the tissue and blood vessels. He had the surgery to remove the kidney and would continue with radiation and 27 weeks of chemo.
In the midst of this his mom tells a story. His dad, Jeff, tells Caleb every night before bed that they are best buddies forever. Lying in bed with his dad one night, Caleb said, “Daddy, when we get to heaven will we still be best buddies?” “Of course”, Jeff assured him that they would. Then another night Caleb was rubbing his dad’s head and he said, “Don’t worry daddy, when I’m done chemo our hair will grow back. How precious this little one. It makes you wonder what goes through a child’s thoughts.
Caleb had follow up tests this past week and he is tumor free but he still faces the last part of his chemo treatment every 3 weeks.His mom’s words:"My son has cancer and I never would have dreamed we would be living this out. Nobody does, I guess. The word HOPE has a new and deeper meaning for parents of children with cancer. I look at Caleb through different eyes now. I spend more time just watching him play or even sleep. Not because I have a sense of doom about him but because I am so much more aware of what I would lose if he were not with us.And so now we go for chemo every three weeks in D.C. "
Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was up Him.
And by His stripes we are healed.
Stand with this family as they fight this battle with their son over cancer.
VICTORIOUS UPDATE - Monday, January 5, 2008 by his mom
This just in....Caleb's scans are all negative! Everything looks good in there and we are so relieved to have those tests behind us. Thank you for praying and please don't stop now! If Caleb should relapse, the first year following treatment is the most likely time for it to happen. Most kids do fine and do not relapse, but some do. Knowing this will keep us ever watchful as he will get scans every three months.
But we are rejoicing in the good news and look forward to watching Caleb regain his hair, some weight to hold his pants up and freedom from the PIC line. Lots of tub time coming up!
During Sunday night service I was holding Caleb on my lap and the presence of God was so close and so sweet.I realized I was holding in my arms GOD'S child. The tears fell as I breathed in his sweet scent and marveled at the privilege of simply holding him.At that same moment,Jeff stood up and said that God had just spoken peace to him concerning Caleb.No matter what....PEACE.
I rejoice for the family and my prayer is that it will be a year of His Healing, His Love, His Presence, His Provision, His Wisdom and that God would pour into this family all that they need. Thank You Lord for answering our prayers.