Maine 2016

Maine 2016

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Heart of Gladness

"He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him
occupied with gladness of heart." Ecclesiastes 5:20 (NIV)

How many times an effectual door is opened and we are thrilled and elated at the prospect of ministry and then for some reason it is closed and our heart sinks.

What is the reaction of our heart in regard to our emotions. Is it turned heavenward or earthward. Do we find disappointment, questioning etc taking over our thoughts.

If we allow God to keep our heart filled with gladness we would find that disappointments are a stepping stone to something greater. A door has to be closed before another will open. There is also a process of walking from one door to the other.

I heard a pastor once say that Jesus was Father conscious and not earthly conscious. Lift your eyes unto the hills where your help comes from. Be glad and Rejoice in Him!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Unfailing Love in a shaking world

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, 'says the Lord, who has compassion on you" Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)
Every day there is something new from our government that is shaking all that has been familiar. But know this, there is one thing that will not be shaken and that is His unfailing love for us. That is a certainty. And in Him is everything you need. Is your need
  • JOY

He is the peace that passes understanding...He is Joy Unspeakable - the joy of the Lord is our strength....We are hidden with Christ in God.....In Him we live and move and have our being. He is Jehovah Ropheka, my healer.....HE IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED HIM TO BE WHEN YOU NEED HIM.

'For God so loved the world(YOU) that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blessings of God

Life on a farm is always a challenge. We have 31 animals at present. Eleven babies were born this season. We pray the mothers will all deliver and accept their babies plus so many other things that can go wrong. Throughout the summer we switch pastures from one side of the road to the other. And what a time we had the first time this year. We had babies going in all directions and a couple of cows that had never put their feet on tar simply stopped. It took 3 adults and 3 kids plus a driver who was stopped and waiting to conquer the job and get them into the pasture. They will go easier the rest of the summer now they have done it once.
The children love to come and see the little ones. This is Uncle Richard and Jolene walking carefully through the pasture. He is the only one that can do this and the cows do not run. He says, 'They know the master's voice' This is a picture when I got too close and they ran. Their mothers were not far away.
I took a lot of pictures this year and really like this shot. The only thing that comes to mind is 'the blessing of the Lord is rich and adds no sorrow'