A gorgeous sunny morning with a 4” cover of light snow yesterday with temperature in the teens. The warmth of wood feels so good. A Saturday morning and what does a ‘farm wife’ do. Throw a load of towels in and of course make the bed…clean the bathroom. A good day to make a Salmon Stew. Oh, how I dislike cutting up veggies but …potatoes and onions in the pot. I use mushroom soup with milk and butter…yum yum! A raisin custard pudding in the oven that most of the family loves. A new bread machine holding a cinnamon/raisin loaf. An finally a cranberry/pineapple mold.
9:00 am time for coffee and time-out. We put a new bathroom window in last week and it has been waiting for me to fill the holes and paint. Yesterday was the day and I will finish off the second coat today. I have always done all my painting/papering etc. and found great joy. We have an old farmhouse built in the 1800’s and nothing is straight, so my papering has always been a challenge. But I have always found great satisfaction in it. Of course, most of it needs a re-do but just too old to deal with it. But I found this window was so relaxing and had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing this type of work.
Christmas is a few days away and I still am working on some of the ‘gifts’. A procrastinator am I and realized the things I had not done before I had to take time to work out in my brain as to ‘how’. Well, it is crunch time so I must get it done! Christmas cards are taking a backseat this year. Sent a few but not like I usually do.
A challenging year as I enjoy doing all the craft stores and shopping even if I do not buy much. But this year it has not happened. But it is okay and I have great joy in Him, the reason for the season.
The scripture says, Mary pondered things in her heart. And as a woman, I ponder many things with Jesus and me. My heart is full knowing I know Him and He has ALL things in control and I can LEAN on Him. HE IS the answer to all things. ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’ Treasure the little things. He speaks in a still small voice. Listen for Him in the hustle and bustle of the season.
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